Symposium IMCARIM: CKD meets CVD

10. September 2015, 14:30 Uhr

Ort: Auditorium Brains Unlimited, Oxford 55, 6229 EV Maastricht

Scientific program
14:30-15:00 Formal Kickoff IMCARIM:
Prof Nikolaus Marx (Vice Dean University Hospital RWTH Aachen) Prof Thomas Unger (Scientific Director CARIM)

15:00-15:20 Joachim Jankowski: IMCARIM -Opportunities for CKD research

15:20-15:40 Erik Biessen: IMCARIM -Opportunities for CVD research

15:40-15:55 Judith Sluimer: PHD- critical regulators of macrophage function and metabolism

15:55-16:10 Heidi Noels: CKD meets CVD: but how?”

16:10-16:25 Marjo Donners: Membrane proteolysis by ADAM proteases in inflammation and cardiovascular disease

16:25-16:40 Marc van Zandvoort: Imaging vascular dysfunction

16:40-17:30 Keynote lecture: Prof Ray Vanholder (Gent University, Belgium): The heart and the kidneys: two brothers in crime?

17:30-18:15 Drinks/dinner

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