

Das Projekt ist abgeschlossen.

COMPAS – COmprehensive Multiprofessional Education for improving, distributing and implementing PAtient Safety and maintenance of workforce in the EMR

The COMPAS project will address the need for organizational capacity building by developing a comprehensive educational approach. In close collaboration with healthcare professionals in different countries, we will create educational programs at the intersection of healthcare, patient safety and innovations.

The AIXTRA, ARS and the universities of Liège and Maastricht are project partners. Further information will soon appear on our project homepage.


The project is complete. 

IKIC  – International Knowledge & Information Centre in public safety

In this teaching and research project, which is funded by InterReg to the tune of approximately 2.8 million euros, a digital e-learning platform as well as joint training courses and so-called experience worlds with the most comprehensive information possible on cross-border cooperation in rescue services, civil protection and fire prevention will be established in order to give both the citizens in the region and the emergency services and administrative staff the opportunity to work together even better in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion.

The University Hospital RWTH Aachen and the Aachen professional fire brigade are involved as project partners.

Further information on the research project can be found here:



Das ARS bearbeitet in verschiedenen Projekten und Vorhaben Themenbereiche moderner Lehr-Lernforschung. Die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung an der Schnittstelle von konzeptioneller Entwicklungsarbeit, Ausbildung und Transfer in die tatsächliche Patientenversorgung bietet großes Potential, Versorgungsstrukturen langfristig zu optimieren. Relevante Themenfelder sind: 

  • Kardiopulmonale Reanimation
  • Patientensicherheit
  • (Tele-)Notärztliche Qualifizierung und Supervision