
The Biochemical Institutes of the Medical Faculty of the RWTH Aachen University offer a number of teaching activities, mainly for medical and dental students. These are part of the "Modellstudiengang Medizin" and include:

• Basic courses in cell biology in the 1st and 2nd semester ("Zellbiologie I und II")

• Advanced courses in interdisciplinary organ centered courses (from the 3rd semester onwards)

• Advanced courses in the qualification program "Molecular Medicine" ("Qualifikationsprofil Molekulare Medizin"), beginning in the 3rd semester. Our courses in this program are also open for students of the RWTH Master programs "Biologie" and "Molekulare Biotechnologie".

• Basic courses in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Master program "Biomedical Engineering".

Moreover, the Biochemical Institutes encourage qualified Biochemistry, Biology, Molecular Biotechnology and Chemistry (and related subjects) students to apply for Bachelor, Master or PhD thesis projects. Moreover, we offer thesis projects for medical and dental students. The institutes are part of the Biomedical Graduate School Aachen.