Doctoral Award from the Medical Faculty for IMCAR Postdoc Dr. rer. nat. Sofia de la Puente Secades

During this year's PAULA teaching award ceremony, Dr. rer. nat. Sofía de la Puente Secades, postdoc at IMCAR, was awarded the Faculty Award from Grünenthal GmbH for her outstanding dissertation. Dr. de la Puente Secades has been an Early Stage Researcher in Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network CaReSyAn and defended her dissertation "Vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease: Vitamin K deficiency and new mediators" at the RWTH Aachen with "summa cum laude". As part of the joint degree program, she completed her doctoral project with a further defense at Maastricht University and was awarded a double doctoral degree, which is awarded jointly by both universities. Sofía's doctoral thesis dealt with the cardioprotective effect of an Angiotensin II Receptor Agonist in Myocardial Infarction. All IMCAR colleagues warmly congratulate Sofía on this great achievement.

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