AG Jankowski – Massenspektrometrie basierte Bioanalytik
Leiter: apl. Prof. Vera Jankowski, PhD
- SFB/TRR219 Teilprojekt S-03: Mass spectrometry to identify, quantify and localize novel regulators of pathological processes underlying CKD-associated CVD (DFG)
- KFO CRU5011 InteraKD Teilprojekt: Modulation of tubular cell transition to a regenerative phenotype in AKI - diagnostic and therapeutic implications (DFG)
- Modulation of tubular cell transition to a regenerative phenotype in AKI - diagnostic and therapeutic implications (TP 3 / KFO 5011, DFG)
- ERA-PerMed Projekt KidneySign – An integrated multi-omics signature of kidney fibrosis for CKD precision medicine
- Proteomic prediction and renin angiotensin aldosterone system of early diabetic nephropathy in type 2 DM (EU-FP7-Project)
- Development, characterization and validation of nanoparticles for the adsorption pf hydrophobic uremic toxins in renal failure-patients (BMBF-IGSCT)
- Entwicklung eines ELISAs zur Quantifizierung von Guanidinylierungen des Albumins als Biomarker für kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen (BMWi)
- Multifunctional biomaterials for medicine (Helmholtz)
- Systems biology towards novel chronic kidney diseases and treatment (EU-FP7-Project)
- Adsorption und Abtrennung von Urämie-Toxinen im Rahmen extrakorporaler Verfahren (Nierenersatz-Therapie) (BMBF)
- Bedeutung von jüngst identifizierter Angiotensin-Peptide und deren Cofaktoren auf die vaskuläre Hämodynamik bei AKI Patienten (DFG)
- Markers for subclinical cardiovascular risk assessment (EU-FP7-Project)
- Bestimmung von vasoregulatorischen Mediatoren (Fa. Roche)
- Entwicklung Alternative Dialysemethoden (Fresenius)
- Lipidomics and metabolomic analyses by high-resolution mass-spectrometry and MALDI imaging to identify, quantify and localize novel regulators of pathological processes underlying liver diseases
- Dinukleosidpolyphosphate: Neue Schlüsselmoleküle der Tumorgenese/-progression
- Entwicklung von Peptidmimetika zur Prävention und Therapie der vaskulären Kalzifizierung in der alternden Bevölkerung – MIMEKALZI (BMWi)
- Impact of chronic renal failure on periodontal bone disease and evaluation of potential treatment by recently identified and yet unknown calcification mediators
- Proteomic profiling and identification of pathophysiological mediators in Friedreich Ataxia (IZKF)