Claudia Trinler and Corinna Rösseler win poster price at Europhysiology in London

Congratulations to Corinna Rösseler and Claudia Trinler who both won a poster prize at the Europhysiology-meeting in September 2018 in London. Corinna Rösseler received a prize for her poster presentation with the title “Neuropathic pain associated with sodium channel Nav1.7 variant R1150W“ at the Early Career poster competition. Claudia Trinler was glad to obtain a poster prize for her poster entitled “The peripheral nervous system in vitro - Characterization of a co-culture system with human-derived neurones and Schwann cells“  for the “Neuroscience” theme of the Europhysiology competition.

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Stabsstelle Unternehmenskommunikation
Dr. Mathias Brandstädter
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