Teaching and Research Area “Occupational Health Psychology”
Occupational Health Psychology (OHP) is an interdisciplinary field of research that deals with the prevention of work-related stress and work-related illnesses. With its primarily applied research, OHP aims to improve the quality of working life and to protect and promote the safety, health and well-being of employees.
The focus of occupational health psychology is on the primary prevention of organisational risk factors, which are held responsible for the development of work-related stress, as well as illnesses or accidents at the workplace. Intervention measures for the health protection of the employees start in the working environment (structural prevention), in order to minimize the risk exposure. Interventions to promote the health of employees focus on the individual (behavioural prevention), in order to strengthen personal resources and to be able to cope with potential risks better.
Our main research areas are:
- Research on the relationship between demands and strain
- Investigation of the effects of job demands as resources or stressors
- Development and application of instruments for psychosocial risk assessment
- Development and evaluation of health promotion and preventive measures
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Jessica Lang
Staff Members
Annika Arnold, MD candidate
Lisa Auweiler (M.Sc.), PhD candidate
Hava Aydin, student assistant
Karen Elsner, MD candidate
Silvia Hirthammer, office
Annika Honings (B.Sc.), project assistant
Clara Picker-Roesch (M. Sc.), PhD candidate
Sven Schuchhardt (Dipl.-Psych.), PhD candidate
Fabio Schwantner, student assistant
Lutz Volmer (Dipl.-Psych.), PhD candidate
Lynn Zünkler, student assistant
Related links to our research output
- eLearning Tools for mental health promotion for managers: Our offers - psyga.info
- eLearning Tools for mental health promotion for employees: Our offers - psyga.info
- Procedure for risk assessment of psychological stress: psygesund.info
- MOOC for psychosocial risk assessment: PsyHealth worXs!