Message archive

Collaborative review on neonatal mucosal immunology published in Mucosal Immunology

Natalia Torow from the group of Mathias Hornef at the RWTH Aachen together with Eva Gollwitzer from the group of Benjamin Marsland in Lausanne, Switzerland, published together a review on neonatal…

Natalia Torow, PhD, recieves the HBRS prize 2015

The Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS) prize for the best PhD in 2015 has been awarded to Dr. Torow from the Institute of Medical Microbiology at the RWTH University Hospital Aachen together…

Reminder – Registration for the Herrenhäuser Conference

Herrenhäuser Conference on the subject:The neonatal "window of opportunity", early priming for life

Organization: Prof. Harald Renz (Gießen/Marburg), Prof. Mathias Hornef (Aachen)

Funded by the…

Grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) to Natalia Torow, PhD

Natalia Torow, PhD has received a DFG grant (research project funding) for a 3-year support of her position plus consumables for a project with the title "Homeostatic and infection-induced adaptive…

Continuation of the research support by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the priority program 1656 “Microbiota”

The Hornef group is funded for another three years by the DFG for a better understanding of the postnatal establishment of the enteric microbiota.

Publication in PLoS Pathogens from Aline Dupont, Institute of Medical Microbiology, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen

Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) mainly infect small infants and children and represent an important causative agent of gastroenteritis worldwide. In developing countries, EPEC constitutes a major…

START Grant to Aline Dupont, PhD

Aline Dupont, PhD has received a START grant (internal funding) for a 2-year PhD position plus consumables for the project „Plasticity of goblet cell gene expression in neonate mice following…

Publication in Nature Communications from Natalia Torow, Institute of Medical Microbiology, RWTH University Hospital

During birth, the sterile intestine for the first time encounters viable microorganisms. This is in contrast to the situation in the adult intestine in which a stable and diverse microbiota helps to…

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Peter Horz talks in the German Broadcast (Deutschlandfunk) about „Phages as new antiinfectious strategy" (in German)

You can find the complete interview here.


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