The international four year PhD program InCeM, which is funded by the EU program HORIZON2020, will start in January 2015. The program includes partners from four universities, four research institutes and three companies as well as 17 associated partners with core expertise in medicine, biology, biochemistry, image analysis, modelling and engineering. It is coordinated by Professor Rudolf Leube from the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Anatomy. The project will establish an interdisciplinary research-training program to educate early-stage researchers in cutting-edge technology for addressing a major scientific problem in the life sciences.
The scientific goal of InCeM is
• to develop and use state-of-the-art experimental techniques that can simultaneously visualize morphological, biochemical and physical processes of cell motility at different time and length scales,
• to integrate these data in advanced multi-scale models for the establishment of fact-based and data-driven concepts of cell migration,
• to translate fundamental insights in the process of cell motility into approaches for the deliberate tuning of motile behavior in relation to disease.
More information: <link http: external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
Research Fellowship Programme: <link http: research mariecurieactions external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
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