
Artificial intelligence for personalised medicine in depression – analysis and harmonization of clinical research data for robust multimodal patient profiling for the prediction of therapy outcome

This project was supported by BMBF (01KU2212), under the frame of ERA PerMed


  • Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG) Förderkennzeichen: ZMI5-2522FSB900
  • Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia (MSE)
  • Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
  • Chief Scientist Office, Ministry Of Health (CSO-MOH)
  • Italian Ministry of Health (IT-MoH)
  • The Research Council of Norway (RCN)

7 partners – 6 nations – 1 goal

Espen Molden
Center for Psychopharmacology
Diakonhjemmet Hospital,
Oslo, Norway

Julia Stingl
Clinical Pharmacology
University Hospital of RWTH Aachen
Aachen, Germany

Noam Shomron
Faculty of Medicine
Tel Aviv University (TAU)
Tel Aviv, Israel

Catharina Scholl
Research Department
Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices
Bonn, Germany

Maria Giulia Bacalini
Direzione Scientifica – Laboratorio di Brain Aging
IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna
Bologna, Italy

Roberto Viviani
Institute of Psychology
University Innsbruck
Innsbruck, Austria

Nada Božina
Department of Pharmacology
Zagreb School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia

Artipro received the ICPerMed Best Practice RECOGNITION Award 2022:
Data sharing and re-use in the framework of the ArtiPro ERA PerMed project Url: