The 8th Euro-CNS basic course in neuropathology attracted 40 participants, varyin from pathology, neurology, or neurosurgery, who had come to get more insight in the field of neuropathology. They came from all over the world (Asia; South Africa, New Zeeland), but most were from Europe. The Lecturers were from Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Austria, Belgium, France and Turkey. The course was held at impressive home base fort he course: the Institut für Neuropathologie, Universitätsklinikum der RWTH in Aachen. Experts in the various fields gave overviews oft he latest insights. All lectures had Q&A, there were several slide sessions as well as discussions. Fort the first time, the program had one-hour brain cutting sessions, appreciated by all. From two oft he reviews:
„As a general pathology resident-in-training, the basic course in neuropathology widened may perspective on the many fields of neuropathology. In my training, I am only exposed to neuro-onkology, CNS infections and cerebro-vascular diseases. We primarily see neuro-oncology cases as the national referral center for this diseases. After this course, I realize that there are still many areas in neuropathology, specifically developmental, neurodegenerative, and neuro-muscular diseases that remain untouched in my country. We seldom encounter or ignore these areas since we only have a handful of pathologists specialist with training or interest in neuropathology. If given the opportunity, this course validated my desire to pursue further neuropathology adter residency, and in the future train local neuropathologists at the Philippines.“
As „the best aspect oft he event“, one oft he participants wrote „that there were social events during th course, e.g. the wine and pretzels and the city tour. The teaching was of a very high level with very specialized and engaged teachers.“
The course was organizes by Prof. Wilfred den Dunnen, Chairman Euro-CNS Educational committee and Coordinator Basic Course in Neuropathology and Prof. Joachim Weis, Co-Coordinator and Host. The course was accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) with 27.0 European CME credits (ECMECs). In addition the course was endorsed by the European Reference Network Neuromuscular Diseases (ERN EURO-NMD).
Auszug aus „Clinical neuropathology“, Official Organ oft he European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies Volume 43 / 5 & 6/ 2024