Nordt, M., Gomez, J., Natu, V. S., Rezai, A. A., Finzi, D., Kular, H., & Grill-Spector, K. (accepted). Longitudinal development of category representations in ventral temporal cortex predicts word and face recognition. Nature Communications.
Kubota, E., Grill-Spector, K., Nordt, M. (2023) Rethinking cortical recycling in ventral temporal cortex. Trends in Cognitive Science.
Nordt, M., Gomez, J., Natu, V. S., Rezai, A. A., Finzi, D., Kular, H., & Grill-Spector, K. (2021). Cortical recycling in high-level visual cortex during childhood development. Nature Human Behaviour.
Finzi, D., Gomez, J., Nordt, M., Rezai, A. A., Poltoratski, S., & Grill-Spector, K. (2021). Differential spatial computations in ventral and lateral face-selective regions are scaffolded by structural connections. Nature Communications, 12(1), 2278.
Meissner, T. W., Walbrin, J., Nordt, M., Koldewyn, K., & Weigelt, S. (2020). Head motion during fMRI tasks is reduced in children and adults if participants take breaks. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 44, 100803.
Nordt, M., Gomez, J., Natu, V., Jeska, B., Barnett, M., & Grill-Spector, K. (2019). Learning to read increases the informativeness of distributed ventral temporal responses. Cerebral Cortex.
Meissner, T.W., Nordt, M., Weigelt, S. Prolonged functional development of the parahippocampal place area and occipital place area. Neuroimage. (2019).191:104-115.
Nordt, M., Semmelmann, K., Genç, E., & Weigelt, S. (2018). Age-related increase of image-invariance in the fusiform face area. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 31, 46–57.
Nordt, M., & Weigelt, S. (2017). Face recognition is similarly affected by viewpoint in school-aged children and adults. PeerJ, 5.
Nordt, M., Hoehl, S., & Weigelt, S. (2016). The use of repetition suppression paradigms in developmental cognitive neuroscience. Cortex, 80, 61–75.
Semmelmann, K., Nordt, M., Sommer, K., Röhnke, R., Mount, L., Prüfer, H., … Weigelt, S. (2016). U Can Touch This: How Tablets Can Be Used to Study Cognitive Development. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
Keuper, K., Zwanzger, P., Nordt, M., Eden, A., Laeger, I., Zwitserlood, P., Kissler, J., Junghöfer, M., Dobel, C. (2013). How “love” and “hate” differ from “sleep” – Using combined EEG/MEG data and realistic head-modelling to reveal the sources of early cortical responses to emotional words. Human Brain Mapping, 875–888.