What the integration program team offers

The integration team is responsible for application procedures, preparatory processes, support in the first few weeks after arrival and is very familiar with recognition procedures. The necessary administrative groundwork is laid (finding accommodation, basic contracts or registration matters) and the nurses receive help with their cultural and professional orientation in Aachen and Uniklinik RWTH Aachen. Initially, basic information is provided (knowledge about the German healthcare system and relevant information for integration into our everyday clinical work, training and work shadowing).
Great importance is attached to in-depth learning of the German language. Participants in the regular program may be offered an advanced German course.
Even "lateral applicants" who come to Uniklinik RWTH Aachen on their own initiative receive the best possible advice and guidance from the integration team.
After the initial phase, the staff remains a constant point of contact for further questions that may be bureaucratic or for situations at work that may require mediation.
An overview of our main activities:
- information and support with recognition
- three to five weeks of Onboarding:
- Integrative content:
Orientation at the workplace and in the environment
Support with language difficulties
Teaching units by the IPA team: how everything works in Germany (e.g. healthcare system, tax system, in-house training, support with finding accomodation) and integrative (social/cultural) units
Connection in the house
Nursing orientation
- Administrative matters, such as:
Dealing with authorities (registration matters, immigration office)
Registration with the health insurance company
University doctor (company doctor)
Contract basics
Opening an account
- Integrative content:
- Handovers on/or communication with station management/nursing service management
The team will also be available to answer any further questions you may have after your induction.