On the 25th of November in 2018 Dr. Yusuke Kubo recieved the Annual Orthopaedic Award from the Kyushu University (Japan). On the right hand side of the picture Dr. Yusuke Kubo is shown. He is carrying the document of his award. On the left hand side is Mr. Hideki Mizu-Uchi (Assistant professor, MD, PhD), chief of Orthopaedic Medical Office at Kyushu University depicted. Dr. Yusuke Kubo received the award for his excellent work on the field of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is responsible for 10% of hip joint endoprosthesis (about 20.000 per year in Germany).
Dr. Yusuke Kubo received the Annual Orthopaedic Award
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Uniklinik RWTH Aachen
Stabsstelle Unternehmenskommunikation
Dr. Mathias Brandstädter
Tel. 0241 80-89893