How 4 weeks turned into 4 years

Dr. Yusuke Kubo (MD) from the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences at Kyushu University in Fukuoka (Japan) was the winner of the 2017/18 EORS-sponsored ICORS Travel Grant to Europe. He applied after a DKOU meeting in Berlin in October 2017 where he became aware of it.

This unique annual grant is sponsored by the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) in support of the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) to foster global Orthopaedic research and to actively stimulate international exchange in this field. The grant aims at allowing cultural exchange between research groups from outside of Europe and a European Research Institute as the host.

Dr. Kubo visited Dr. Jahr’s group at the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology (Director: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Pufe) of the University Hospital of the RWTH Aachen University. Thanks to this unique opportunity, Dr. Kubo successfully applied for a DAAD stipend shortly thereafter and returned to Aachen for completing a PhD project in Germany.

After his initial 4-week exchange, he is now leaving the group after having spent almost exactly four very successful years in Aachen. During his stay, Dr. Kubo successfully applied for several other grants, like an ON (Orthoregeneration Network) Kick-Starter Grant and START Grant from the Medical Faculty of the RWTH Aachen University. During his time in Aachen, Dr. Kubo co-authored publications on several research topics, including biomaterials, mechanobiology, fracture healing, and effects of oxidative stress on cartilage degeneration as well as related translational clinical aspects, like bone regeneration and osteonecrosis.

The Departure of Anatomy and Cell Biology wishes Dr. Kubo, and his family, all the best for their personal future and looks forward towards a fruitful continuation of this successful collaboration.

EORS hopes his story will serve as a role model for global exchange in Orthopaedic research and inspires other young (and older) researchers to apply for future ICORS grants.

Yusuke Kubo (MD) was the winner of the 2017/18 ICORS Travel Grant by EORS and received his Certificate from EORS’ Vice President Dr. Holger Jahr.

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Dr. Mathias Brandstädter
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