Systems Biomedicine Seminar - The Metabolic Transformation of Fumarate Hydratase Deficient Cells

Dienstag, 19.01.2016, 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

Systems Biomedicine Seminar - Christian Frezza, Cambridge University UK

The Metabolic Transformation of Fumarate Hydratase Deficient Cells

Mutations in Fumarate Hydratase (FH), an enzyme of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, lead to hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC). Among the main biochemical features of the loss of FH is the accumulation of the small molecule metabolite fumarate. However, whether this metabolite is implicated in tumorigenesis of HLRCC is still unclear. I will present some recent evidence that suggests that the accumulation of fumarate elicits a complex genetic reprogramming involved in tumour initiation and progression. Our ultimate goal is to exploit this knowledge to block fumarate-driven processes and selectively kill cancer cells.

Veranstaltungsort: Wendlingweg 2, Aachen

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