Team and publications

5 Most relevant Publications:
  1. Vell et al. ,…Schneider CV, Association of statin use with risk of liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma, and liver-related mortality. JAMA Netw Open 2023
  2. Seeling KS, Hehl L, Vell MS, Rendel MD, et al. Schneider CV, Comorbidities, biomarkers and cause specific mortality in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: a phenomewide association study.United European Gastroenterol J. 2023
  3. Scorletti E*, Creasy KT*, Vujkovic M, Vell M, Zandvakili I, Rader DJ, Schneider KM, Schneider CV. Dietary Vitamin E intake is associated with a reduced risk of developing digestive diseases and NAFLD.Am J Gastroenterol. 2022
  4. Schneider CV, Schneider KM, Teumer A, Rudolph KL, Rader DJ, Strnad P. Association of Telomere  Length with Risk of Disease and Mortality, JAMA Int Med 2022. doi: jamainternmed.2021.7804 [10.1001]
  5. Schneider CV, Zandvakili I, Thaiss CA, Schneider KM, Physical activity is associated with reduced risk of liver disease in the prospective UK Biobank cohort.JHEP Reports 2021, doi:  j.jhepr.2021.100263[10.1016]

Carolin Victoria Schneider, MD is a physician and research group leader. She completed her medical education at the RWTH Aachen University and her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr Schneider has received numerous awards and prizes, including admission to the Young Academy of the North Rhine-Westphalia Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Borchers Medal for her dissertation at RWTH Aachen University and the C. A. Ewald Prize of the German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases. She has presented her research at various conferences and has won several young investigator awards. Her research focus is on the integration of multi-omics data, lipidomic analyses, and artificial intelligence in the study and prevention of gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases.

Google scholar:

Research Gate:

Benjamin Laevens, PhD is a postdoctoral researcher who is overseeing PhD students and driving forward artificial intelligence techniques in the lab. His research focuses on analyzing how the gut microbiome is affected by different nutrients and how those nutrients influence the development and progression of liver diseases. Benjamin's methodology involves utilizing large-scale microbiome and dietary datasets to identify key microbial and nutrient signatures that are associated with liver disease risk. He is also developing novel machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to analyze complex multi-omic datasets and to generate predictive models that can help identify patients at high risk for liver diseases. His proficiency in Python, coupled with his innovative algorithm development and data visualization skills, promises to revolutionize our field. Ultimately, Ben's work aims to contribute to the development of personalized dietary interventions that can help prevent and treat liver diseases, and to improve overall gut and liver health outcomes.

Jan Clusmann, MD is a postdoc and medical doctor focusing on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and is working on developing image analysis techniques using artificial intelligence to improve HCC diagnosis and treatment. His research involves utilizing large-scale omic datasets and developing novel AI techniques to identify key features and biomarkers that are associated with HCC development and progression. Jan is also driving forward the development of scoring systems for HCC in the general population that can be used to guide personalized therapy approaches. His work aims to improve overall HCC diagnosis and treatment outcomes, and to contribute to the development of personalized therapy strategies that can help prevent and treat HCC in high-risk populations.

Yazhou Chen is a PhD candidate at Schneider Lab working on a project that aims to employ large-scale clinical and imaging data to unravel essential pathophysiological pathways linking MAFLD, plasma lipid metabolism, and CVD risk. Yazhou is pioneering the use of radiomics and machine learning to predict genetic variants from medical imaging data. This innovative approach paves the way for the creation of predictive models, aiding in identifying patients with a high risk of these diseases and unveiling potential targets for therapeutic interventions.

Niharika Jakhar is a PhD candidate at Schneider Lab, focusing on a project that seeks to leverage extensive clinical and proteomic data to elucidate crucial pathophysiological mechanisms connecting liver disease progression, protein expression profiles, and associated health risks. Niharika is at the forefront of using proteomics and advanced computational methods to identify protein biomarkers for clinical outcomes. This cutting-edge approach is instrumental in developing predictive models, which are key in identifying patients at high risk of advanced liver diseases and uncovering new possibilities for therapeutic, personalized strategies.

Tobias Seibel is a researcher working on the development of advanced deep learning models for the prediction of hepatic outcomes. His work is centered on creating sophisticated algorithms that can accurately forecast the progression and prognosis of liver diseases. Additionally, Tobias is dedicated to constructing a comprehensive pipeline for the integration of genomic data into these models. This innovative approach aims to enhance the precision of predictions by incorporating a wide range of genetic information, thereby offering a more tailored and effective strategy for the management and treatment of liver-related health issues.

Mara Vell is an MD candidate whose research focuses on repurposing common medications to prevent liver diseases in the general population. Her work involves analyzing large-scale population-based genetic studies and lipidomic data to identify optimal targets for therapeutic interventions. Additionally, Mara is also exploring personalized treatment options for different populations, with a particular focus on sex differences in regard to medication response. Her research aims to contribute to the development of personalized prevention and treatment strategies for liver diseases, and to improve overall liver health outcomes in different populations.

Miriam Rendel is an MD candidate investigating ERLIN1 as a potential treatment target for metabolically-associated fatty liver disease. Her methodology includes exploring the effect of different loss of function mutations in ERLIN1 and their relationship with fatty liver disease, as well as utilizing in vitro and in vivo experiments to validate the potential efficacy of targeting ERLIN1 in treating MAFLD.

Leonida Hehl is an MD candidate investigating the use of protective genetic variants as potential pharmacological targets for preventing fatty liver disease. Her methodology involves leveraging large-scale genetic datasets to identify genetic variants associated with a decreased risk of fatty liver disease. She is also conducting functional studies to investigate the potential mechanisms underlying the protective effects of these genetic variants.

Katharina Seeling is an MD candidate studying mortality and morbidity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Her methodology includes analyzing large-scale population-based datasets to identify potential risk factors for increased mortality and morbidity in IBS patients, as well as conducting studies to investigate potential biomarkers for IBS in the general population.

Simon Schophaus is an MD candidate exploring personalized nutrition as a potential intervention for preventing liver disease. His methodology includes analyzing large-scale dietary and health datasets to identify potential personalized nutrition interventions that may be effective in reducing the risk of liver disease, as well as conducting clinical studies to validate the efficacy of these interventions.

Carola Dlugosch is a dedicated MD student specializing in the complex interplay between steatosis and cancerogenesis, with a focus on colorectal cancer. Her work primarily revolves around unraveling the intricate connections within the Gut-Liver axis, aiming to shed light on how liver conditions like steatosis can influence the development and progression of cancers, like colorectal cancer.

A recipient of the prestigious MD scholarship from the SFB (Sonderforschungsbereich) Gut Liver Axis, Carola brings an innovative and inquisitive approach to her research. Through her research, Carola aims to contribute significantly to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, potentially leading to better outcomes for patients suffering from these conditions.

Felix van Haag is an MD candidate engaged in pioneering work to predict cholangiocarcinoma using multimodal data, including metabolomics, proteomics, and other relevant biological markers. His research involves integrating diverse datasets to create a comprehensive picture of the heterogeneous group of cholangiocarcinomas, aiming to identify key biomarkers and patterns associated with the onset and progression of cholangiocarcinoma. By employing a holistic approach that combines various types of biological data, Felix's work will significantly enhance the accuracy of early detection methods and improve the understanding of the disease's pathophysiology, ultimately contributing to more effective treatment strategies and patient outcomes.

Paul Koop, postdoc at Schneider Lab, is blazing trails with his work on Python to develop algorithms for managing and visualizing PheWAS data from the UK Biobank. Specializing in the nexus of computer science and epidemiology, Paul is leveraging Python's powerful data analysis capabilities to unlock new understandings. His project focuses on developing unique algorithms to sift through the extensive PheWAS data. This work is instrumental in streamlining data analysis and pinpointing critical insights within the vast dataset. Furthermore, Paul is translating these complex datasets into intuitive visual formats, facilitating easier comprehension and utilization of the data. Paul's expertise is reshaping how Schneider Lab approaches PheWAS data.

Research students:

Helen Huang, a dedicated rotation student at the University of Pennsylvania and closely associated with Schneider Lab, is making significant contributions to the field of genetic research on Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD). She is leveraging the wealth of data available from the Penn Medicine Biobank to unearth genetic targets for MAFLD, aiding our understanding and potential treatment of this pervasive condition. Her work bridges the gap between big data and medical research, contributing valuable insights to our lab's comprehensive exploration of metabolic and gastrointestinal diseases.

As a master student, Thriveni Basavanapura Raju is engaged in a groundbreaking research project that focuses on integrating large-scale microbiome data using the Lifelines cohort. Her work is centered around exploring the intricate interplay between nutrition, the microbiome, and liver disease. By analyzing extensive data sets, Thriveni aims to uncover how dietary patterns influence the gut microbiome and, in turn, how these microbial communities impact liver health. This research is crucial for understanding the complex interactions between diet, gut flora, and liver disease, potentially leading to innovative approaches in the prevention and management of liver-related disorders.