AG Strnad

Unter den nachfolgenden Punkten finden Sie Information zur AG Strnad.

Please see below for further information about Prof. Strnad's group.


Arbeitsgruppenleiter — Principal investigator

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Pavel Strnad
Attending physician in Gastroenterology/Hepatology

Postdocs und Ärzte — Postdocs and MDs

Dr. hum. biol. Nurdan Güldiken

Dr. rer. nat. Annika Schmitz (ehem. Groß)

Dr. rer. nat. Sarah Dahl, MSc

Dr. med. Malin Fromme

Doktoranden/-innen — PhD and MD candidates

Lisa Bewersdorf, MSc

Katharina Remih, Pharmazeutin

Linda Kroll, MSc

Ginevra Mariani, MSc

Yizhao Luo, Arzt, MD candidate

Lei Fu, Ärztin, MD candidate

Xue-Jiao Wang, Ärztin, MD candidate

Franziska-Maria Hufnagel, cand. med.

Technische Assistenten/-innen —Technicians

Dipl. Biol. Birgit Mardak, lab technician

Viktoria Gonstein, study nurse

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter — Former group members

Ingrid Breuer, MTA

Linda Schaub, BTA

Aline Müller, MTA

Dr. Mahmoud Aly, PhD

Dr. hum. biol. Peggy Schwarz

Dr. hum. biol. Özlem Kücükoglu

Dr. hum. biol. Maria Lunova

Dr. rer. nat. Kathrin Müller

Dr. hum. biol. Yu Chen

Dr. rer nat. Valentyn Usachov

Dr. rer. nat. Kateryna Levada

Dr. rer. nat. Deniz Kuscuoglu

PD Dr. med. Karim Hamesch, Arzt

Dr. med. Igor Spivak, Arzt

Dr. med. Jessica Voß, Ärztin

Dr. med. Carolin Schneider, Ärztin

Dr. med. Vivien Woditsch, Ärztin

Dr. med. Cecilia Lindhauer, Ärztin

Dr. med. Julia Kümpers, Ärztin

Dr. med. Kathrin Wenzel, Ärztin

Dr. med. Gabriel Schacht, Arzt

Dr. med. Renwar Nuraldeen, MBChB

Dr. med. Farong Mo

Dr. med. Hawraman Mohammed

Marla Gutberlet, Ärztin

Gökce Kobazi Ensari, MSc

Dr. med. Biaohuan Zhou, Arzt

Barbara Burbaum, cand. med.

Berivan Gürbüz, cand. med.

Shari Schuller, cand. med.

Theresa Bretag, cand. med.

Moritz Kleinjans, cand. med.

Laura Rademacher, cand. med.

Samira Amzou, cand. med.

Lavin Amin, BSc

Simone Menghai Clas, Studentische Hilfskraft

Susanne Thiery, Studentische Hilfskraft


Our group is studying the following diseases and their underlying mechanisms:

For further details please refer to:

SFB/TRR57 of German Research Foundation

SFB/CRC1382 of German Research Foundation

German Research Foundation


Our group is funded by:


  • SFB/TRR57 “Liver fibrosis” by German Research Foundation, DFG
  • Individual grants by German Research Foundation, DFG (to Pavel Strnad)
  • IZKF Aachen ("Inflammation and consequences" [to Pavel Strnad])
  • Else Kroener Fresenius Foundation, Fellowship of Excellence (to Pavel Strnad)
  • START program of the Medical Faculty of RWTH Aachen University (to several lab members)
  • German Liver Foundation Fellowship for “Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency-related liver disease” (to Karim Hamesch)
  • European Association for the Study of Liver Disease, EASL - Registry grant "European registry on alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency-related liver disease" (to Pavel Strnad and Christian Trautwein)
  • German Association for Internal Medicine, DGIM - Scholarship for MD thesis "Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency-related liver disease in PiSZ patients" (to Carolin Heimes)


  • Emmy-Noether program of the German Research Foundation (to Pavel Strnad)
  • EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization; research fellow at Standford University) (to Pavel Strnad)

Awards (to Pavel Strnad)

  • UEG Rising Star 2016
  • EMBO fellowship
  • AGA fellowship
  • AASLD award


We are collaborating with the following researchers:

Hepatology & Gastroenterology

Bishr Omary, Prof., MD, PhD,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Jessica Zucman-Rossi, Prof., MD, PhD
INSERM U674, Paris

Robert J. Fontana, Prof., MD
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Peter Fickert, Prof., MD
Medical University Graz

Pierre Nahon, MD
INSERM U773, Bondy

Sophie Vaulont, PhD
Institut Cochin, Paris

Felix Stickel, MD, PhD
University Hospital Zurich

Jochen Hampe, Prof., MD
University Hospital Dresden

Marsha Y. Morgan, Prof., MD
University College London

Mark Thursz, Prof., MD
Imperial College London

Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency

European Reference Network “Rare Liver” (25 institutions from 11 countries)

EASL registry “AATD-related liver disease” (18 institutions from 12 countries)

Sabina Janciauskiene, Prof., PhD
Medical University Hannover
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency

Rembert Koczulla, Prof., MD
University Hospital Marburg
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency/Pneumology

Frank Lammert, Prof., MD / Robert Bals, Prof., MD, PhD
University Hospital Saarland

Thomas Reiberger, Prof., MD/Mattias Mandorfer, MD/Michael Trauner, Prof., MD Mattias Mandorfer, MD Michael Trauner, Prof., MD
Medical University Vienna
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency/Hepatology

Jan Stolk, MD, PhD
Medical University Leiden
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency/Pneumology

Joanna Chorostowska, Prof., PhD
Department of Genetics and Clinical Immunology, Warsaw
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency

Aleksander Krag, Prof., MD
Odense University Hospital
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency / Hepatology

Frederik Nevens, Prof. MD
Leuven University Medical Center
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency / Hepatology

Patient organisations:

  • Alpha1 Deutschland e.V. & Alpha1 Österreich gem.V.
  • Alfa-1 Denmark
  • Alpha-1 Nederland
  • Alpha1 Foundation & Alpha-1 Global


Medline-listed publications

Contact information

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Pavel Strnad
phone: +49 241 80-36606

Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency-related research:
+49 241 80-36606