First retreat of the BMGS Segment Cellular and Molecular Biology

Prof. Joachim Jankowski together with Marieke Sternkopf and Sandra Knarren from the IMCAR at the RWTH University Clinic organized the first very successful retreat of the BMGS Segment Molecular and Cellular Biology at Kloster Heidberg in Eupen, Belgium. We discussed our new graduate school, planned activities and listened to science talks on the ADAM family proteases (Prof. Ludwig), ADP ribosylation (Prof. Lüscher), enteric host-microbial interaction (Prof. Hornef), stem cells (Prof. Zenke) and plasma proteomics (Prof. Jankowski). We additionally had interesting presentations on funding agencies and stipends, grant writing, research in industry and academia, career development and topics related to the work as a PhD student. Finally we listened to a beautiful organ music play, visited the Abbey Val-Dieu and spent time together with a Yahtzee tournament during the evening.

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Members of the BMGS Aachen Segment Molecular and Cellular Biology during our retreat in Eupen, Belgium.

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Prof. Joachim Jankowski welcoming all BMGS members during the first day of the retreat

Members of the BMGS Segment Cellular and Molecular Biology during the lectures

Members of the BMGS Segment Cellular and Molecular Biology during the lectures

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Prof. Oliver Pabst presents our new graduate School

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Stefan Schlößer during his presentation on the ups and downs of a PhD student’s life


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Uniklinik RWTH Aachen
Stabsstelle Unternehmenskommunikation
Dr. Mathias Brandstädter
Tel. 0241 80-89893