Cultural tours

We offer two different cultural tours as described below:

Guided tour of the old town

During the tour around Aachen’s historic old town you will get to see historical places and buildings such as Aachen cathedral, old town houses and beautiful fountains. During the guided tour you will learn lots of exciting history facts and stories about Aachen.


  • Tour 1) Sunday, 11th June 2023, Start: 14:00, Duration: 90 min.
  • Tour 2) Sunday, 11th June 2023, Start: 15:45, Duration: 90 min.

Limited places available: max. 40 attendees per tour

Networking-Walk to the “Dreiländereck”

After a short bus ride to Vaals in the Netherlands, a guide will lead you to the “Dreiländereck” – the tri-state-area where the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany meet. While you can learn about the history about the Dreiländereck once you have arrived, this walk is meant to be a networking-walk where you will have the opportunity to get in touch with other HB23 Europe attendees. In the spirit of the Dreiländereck, why don’t you join this networking-walk to come together and establish new contacts?


  • Tour 3) Wednesday, 14th June 2023, Start: 16:00, Duration: approximately 120 min.

Limited places available: max. 40 attendees