Message archive

Identification of a cono-RFamide that targets ASIC3 and enhances muscle pain

“Marine cone snails provide one of the highest toxin-diversities among venomous animals, the conotoxins, which often target ion channels. In addition, cone snail venoms contain short conopeptides, the…

Paper in PNAS published

Today a paper of the institute of physiology has been published online in the renowned journal PNAS (USA). This paper reports the isolation of a short peptide from a cone snail venom, which targets…

Axel Schmidt receives Best Poster award

Today, our scientist Axel Schmidt received the Best Poster award in the session Ion Channels III at the 96th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society in Greifswald. His Poster was entitled…

Lisa Dautzenberg successfully finished her MD thesis

Today our MD student Lisa Dautzenberg successfully passed the oral examination at the end of her MD thesis. Her doctoral thesis is entitled „Acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC4) – Untersuchungen zur…

In praise of simple nervous systems

In an opinion article, which was published on 29 December 2016 online ahead of print in the review journal Trends in Neurosciences (Link), a group of international scientists, including Stefan Gründer…

Our former scientist Niko Joeres successfully finished his MD thesis with highest honor

Today our MD student Niko Joeres successfully passed the oral examination at the end of his MD thesis. His doctoral thesis is entitled "Functional and pharmacological characterization of two different…

Our scientist Axel Schmidt successfully finished his MD thesis with highest honor

Today our MD student Axel Schmidt successfully passed the oral examination at the end of his MD thesis. His doctoral thesis is entitled "Der Bile-Acid Sensitive Ion Channel wird über einen…

Identification of a regulatory motif of the bile acid-sensitive ion channel (BASIC)

The bile acid-sensitive ion channel BASIC is closely related to the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) and acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs). Its function is not understood yet. In our current study, which…

Our former scientist Katharina Friedrich successfully finished her MD thesis

Today our MD student Katharina Friedrich successfully passed the oral examination at the end of her MD thesis. Her doctoral thesis is entitled "Intrazelluläre Lokalisation und Targeting von ASIC4". We…

A novel mechanism of ADP-ribose-directed activation of a species variant of the human apoptosis-related TRPM2 channel

ADP-ribose is the central metabolite emerging from degradation of the redox carrier NAD and is closely correlated with cellular apoptosis mediated by oxidative stress. This includes the so-called…

Our former scientist Pia Bresenitz successfully finished her PhD thesis

Today our PhD student Pia Bresenitz successfully defended her dissertation entitled "Einfluss pathophysiologischer Konzentrationen von Ammonium auf die Transkription und Funktion von Acid-Sensing Ion…

Functional characterisation of two important heteromeric Acid-Sensing Ion Channels of the CNS

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are proton-gated ion channels that are involved in the synaptic transmission at synapses of the brain and which influence the pathophysiological outcome of, for…