Birgit Franzen celebrates 25 years at the Institute of Physiology

Today, Birgit Franzen, Secretary of the Institute of Physiology, celebrated 25 years at the Institute of Physiology. At this occasion, the entire institute gathered to thank her for her wonderful work…

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German Research Foundation funds project on the ASIC1a proteome

In the next three years, the German Research Foundation funds with almost 400.000 Euro a project to characterize the proteome of the ASIC1a ion channel. The proteome comprises the entire set of…

Sven Kuspiel successfully defends his doctoral thesis

Today, our PhD student Sven Kuspiel successfully defended his doctoral thesis, in which he had analysed with electrophysiological methods the interaction of a new associated protein with Acid-Sensing…

Calendar of events
To the calendar of events of the Uniklinik RWTH Aachen