A warm welcome to Uniklinik RWTH Aachen
Dear patient,
Welcome to our website, where we would like to give you an insight into our work and the wide variety of tasks we perform. Uniklinik RWTH Aachen is a maximum-care teaching hospital. This means that with 36 clinics, 33 institutes and six interdisciplinary units, we cover not only the entire medical spectrum but also offer patient-oriented medicine and nursing care, teaching and research at an international level. This makes us unique, both in the region and beyond. Bundling patient care, research and teaching in one central building also creates ideal conditions for intensive interdisciplinary exchange and a dense clinical and scientific network, enabling us to promote the understanding of disease. We have also been successful in developing new diagnostic procedures and treatments over the last few decades, and have created innovations of far-reaching importance.
All important information about the Uniklinik you can find in our flyer "At a Glance".
Your health is our mission – we look forward to meeting you.
Everything you need to know about your stay
How do you get to the University Hospital, where can you park? What should visitors know? Who is the contact person for criticism and suggestions? You can find out all this on this page.
Anreise zur Uniklinik
Die Uniklinik ist verkehrstechnisch optimal gelegen. Ob mit dem ÖPNV, dem Auto, dem Fahrrad oder zu Fuß – alles ist möglich.

Patientendaten für medizinische Forschung
In einer Uniklinik wird intensiv geforscht. Helfen Sie dabei, die medizinische Forschung zum Wohle aller Patientinnen und Patienten voranzutreiben.