KKS - Koordinierungszentrum für Kardiologische Studien an der Medizinischen Klinik I
Molekularpathologie nehmen wir regelmäßig an Ringversuchen teil, die über die Qualitätssicherungs-Initiative Pathologie QuIP GmbH vom Bundesverband Deutscher Pathologen e. V. und der Deutschen Gesellschaft
der Projekte finden Sie hier . fit 4translation BMBF-gefördertes Projekt in der Medizininformatik Initiative mit dem Ziel Ertüchtigung von akademischen Projekten innovative Software als Medizin- oder Prüfprodukt
(ALOX15), which initiates mitochondria degradation at the final stage of reticulocyte maturation. It constitutes a silencing complex at the ALOX15 mRNA 3’ UTR that inhibits translation initiation at the AUG
The ambulance team contacts the tele-EMS physician after taking the patient's medical history and initial treatment has been completed if the arrival of the emergency doctor on site is delayed (e.g. due [...] on site contacts the tele-EMS physician after taking the patient's medical history and starting initial treatment. In this case, the tele-EMS physician can support and advise the emergency physician on-site
Hauttumorzentrum der Klinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie - Hautklinik
Brabletz T, Oshima RG, Maurer J . ERN1 and ALPK1 inhibit differentiation of bi-potential tumor-initiating cells in human breast cancer. Oncotarget . 2016 Dec 13;7(50):83278-83293. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget [...] J, Hassell JA, Oshima RG, Terskikh A. (2010) MELK is Upregulated and Required in Mammary Tumor Initiating Cells In Vivo. Cancer Res earch 2010 Sep 22. Pajtler, K., Bohrer, A., Maurer, J ., Schorle, H. [...] Wickberg SM, Gomez-Auli A, Follo M, Maurer J , Busch H, Boerries M, Reinheckel T. MMP14 empowers tumor-initiating breast cancer cells under hypoxic nutrient-depleted conditions. FASEB J. 2018 Dec 6:fj201801127R
antigens are actively recognized by the gut immune system. Whereas encounter of pathogens has to initiate protective immune responses, the encounter of innocuous antigen has to trigger well-balanced tolerogenic
consideration in the future concept of RWTH Aachen University within the framework of the Excellence Initiative. In this context, one of the eight profile areas was founded at university level with a focus on
dabei inhaltlich-medizinisch auf Konzepten des Landes und der Uniklinik Aachen aufbaut. Regionale Initiative kann also ein echter Motor für den Gesamt-Digitalisierungsprozess im Gesundheitsbereich sein.“